by Howard B. Richman
Anyone who has struggled with weight issues deep down knows that there must be something more than diet and exercise! It’s not that being aware of your physical health is bad — of course you should treat your body with respect. But let’s dig deeper into underlying issues that manifest as overweight or even underweight.
Society doesn’t help with this as many people have a vision of what they “should” look like and sometimes that vision is a blatant disrespect to their overall structure. For example, sometimes people aim for something that is not healthy. I have analyzed 45 different body-types and it is important to honor your type rather than having a blanket goal. Please see more on this topic on my non-diet weight-loss website: I have covered this issue in my book, “Weight-Loss and the art of Focusing, and in my chart, “Richman Body-Type Classification Method.”
When you review the following affirmations, you will notice that many of them appear to not have anything to do with your weight. In fact, many of them may not relate to your situation and you should definitely remove those. However, if you are open-minded about it, the COLLECTIVE power of doing these affirmations will frequently address core issues that have been sublimated for many years. The result will be a shift in your physical body.
Also, as the affirmations are working on a highly-subtle level, do try to be alert while using the weight loss affirmations. Be alert to gentle changes that you might easily miss. For example try to become sensitive to the difference between “habit” and “craving.” Certain routines that you may have around food, as far as quantity, frequency, types — just be open and alert if you are eating out of habit or if you genuinely are having a craving. I believe you should honor your craving. But if you just reach for the box of chocolate cookies out of HABIT, try to notice the difference. The affirmations are like a catalyst for action, but if you don’t listen to the inner message, and you don’t respond through your action, the affirmation alone may not give you the desired effect.
Each affirmation is stated with a companion explanation. The only reason the explanations are included is to provide support and clarity of why each affirmation has value. HOWEVER, please do not keep reading or focus on the explanation as this will tend to counteract the benefit of the affirmation itself. After you read through all the affirmations and their explanation, if you scroll down you will see a duplicate list below, WITHOUT the explanations. This will be handy to select and to print out or to customize for use in your daily routine.
Please select the following affirmations that you would LIKE TO BE ABLE TO SAY AS TRUTH, and also ones that APPLY TO YOU. (Some of the affirmations reference issues that may not be applicable to everyone.)
The following affirmations are also available as a card pack, to be used with the Thought Catapulter system.
In ADDITION to these affirmations, you may find the need to have something customized just for your situation. That is the reason that each Thought Catapulter comes with a pack of blank cards. Please follow these guidelines on generating affirmations for best results. Also, it is recommended that you do the “primary abundance affirmations” to help set the flow of good things your way, regardless of any other goal.
Make Sure to Read Each of the Following Articles Before You Begin This Process, to Maximize Your Understanding and to Gain the Greatest Results
How to Benefit Most From the Thought Catapulter
How to do Affirmations Effectively
How to Generate Affirmations
Weight-Loss Affirmations
(Please see Other Affirmations)
I love myself.
You are not your body. Again… You are not your body! We have emotional, spiritual, intellectual AND physical aspects to our being. When you feel shame or unworthiness or self-criticism, or self-hatred, or self-anger, etc, even though these qualities have nothing to do with your weight, do you see that as all parts of us are inter-related, that by continuing these negative thoughts, our physical body will develop problems, including disease and weight-gain. Love your WHOLE being.
I love my body.
There is quite a bit of evidence showing that our body will react positively when it feels loved. When we focus hatred towards our body or towards a specific body part, it feels abandoned or cut off. The result in that case is that it needs to WHINE, just like the toddler throwing a tantrum. This is not an audible whining but it is an INCREASE in SIZE to get you to NOTICE that particular body part. This affirmation will address these tendencies to be so selective.. “I love my eyes, but I hate my upper arms.” This type of thinking is very negative. Try your best to love YOUR WHOLE physical body as it is, and that will gradually have a commensurate effect to manifest the physical body that you are envisioning.
I feel safe and secure in my body.
If we have been traumatized or raped or harmed in our past, very often one of the ways our being copes with this is to literally CREATE A SHIELD or armor around us. So this type of shield will likely manifest as an increase of weight. In fact, if you grow up where you are unjustly criticized, wrongly judged or even frequently hit or punched, or otherwise physically-abused, or even sexually-abused, this extra weight DID serve a purpose, to protect you, and your body is working correctly. But NOW, that you are all grown up, and (hopefully) are no longer in such a dangerous situation, you likely carry the cellular imprint of expecting to be hit, or expecting to be wrongly-judged. Try your best now to let go of this. This affirmation will help.
I feel joy.
If you have a tendency to feel “empty,” this affirmation is very useful.
I am greatly loved and valued.
This affirmation is applicable if you are feeling unloved, neglected, or are dealing with abandonment issues.
I enjoy putting myself first.
In cases where you are codependent, or are a people-pleaser and always give away your power to the point where there is nothing left.
I am proud to be my own person.
This affirmation is useful if you feel an undue invisible influence of certain family members that tend to affect your weight. Sometimes this dynamic develops, for example, when you have an overweight parent and you WANT THEIR LOVE and you feel that if you were to become thin that they wouldn’t love you any more, because you would be so different, so you subconsiously have learned to be like that parent, even though you are unhappy about it.
I am perfectly enough as I am.
When you feel like you are not good enough
It is easy and natural for me to remain thin.
Most people have a history of being on a weight-loss roller-coaster.. up and down… so the expectation is that even though we might lose weight from some method, we will likely gain the weight back. This affirmation will conteract that expectation.
My DNA is programmed to be thin.
Many people look at their family heritage and determine that it must be in their GENES that they are destined to be fat. I am not in agreement with this. What we “inherit” from our family is eating habits and food ATTITUDES. This affirmation will help address the “hopeless” aspect of “there is nothing that I can do”… “I was just born this way” mentality.
I have a super fast metabolism.
Our thoughts have quite an impact on our physical reality and this affirmation quite literally can have such an effect.
Whatever I crave my body needs and serves me perfectly.
Learn to trust your cravings and learn to distinguish a craving from a habit. If it genuinely is a craving, your body NEEDS that and it will actually provide the nourishment that you need. Trust that.
People admire that I can eat whatever I want and remain thin.
If you were naturally-thin, you would just eat what you want and not worry about your weight. The FEAR OF FOOD that some people have tends to affect how that food metabolizes in our body. What if we could behave as IF we were a naturally-thin person?
The Universe supplies more than I need.
What if you have an old imprint of your siblings stealing your food, so you felt compelled to eat if even if you weren’t hungry. Or what if this type of “famine” energy may have been passed down to you ancestrally? Some people have a “food hoarding” mentality that may have served them long ago, but in their current life, could be just a carry-over. This affirmation would address this issue that you somehow feel that there may be a lack of food, however subconscious.
I welcome effective solutions from wherever the source.
Am I a failure if I don’t do this completely by myself? You are NOT a failure if you succeed by using guidance from someone else. As long as you are able to reach your goal, it is a blessing that you can do it. Stop thinking that you must suffer until you “figure this out.” There is absolutely no higher benefit to you if you “invent” your own solution or if you apply a proven solution that already exists. For example, If you need an electrician to fix something in your home, you want to hire someone who really knows about this and gets the job done correctly. There are experts in this field who can really help you reach your goals. You just have to be selective on choosing the right people. This point may be useful if you have stubbornly been pushing away effective solutions for years only because you feel that you must discover your own solutions.
I welcome my intuition and easily follow it.
Can you discern the difference between intuition and habit? Do you trust that your body really does know what you need at all times? Are you acting out of habit or are you acting from your own inner guidance? Maybe you feel lost or that you are floundering. This could be because you have become disconnected from your own inner voice. If you have a history of NOT following your own inner guidance and then getting yourself into trouble, it may be rusty at first, but you need to turn this switch on in your own brain and bring this puzzle-piece back to the whole. For example, Do you eat dessert after ever meal because your inner guidance is telling you that you really need it or is it just out of obligation or habit. This affirmation will help empower your own inner guidance and give you the courage to follow it for your highest good.
I am now free to live my own life.
Cancel the Contract! This is more in the “spiritual” realm. In the cases where you have a parent or grandparent who is overweight and you suspect that you have “inherited” this condition, I want to give you a suggestion of what you can do in an internal, personal, private manner. In many cases, what we assume is a “DNA” tendency to be overweight that we inherit from a parent, it may not be the case at all. In many cases, we have a parent who has not healed his/her issues of pain, humiliation, suffering, embarrassment, from early on in their life. This could be physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, etc. The parent, who likely has not worked on herself often copes with this pain by having some sort of addiction. If you are a sensitive, empathic type of child, then you will often tend to want to “help” this parent – first by doing things for this parent on an outward level. But later, on a spiritual level. What does this mean? The child has the capacity to literally TAKE ON THE BURDEN of the parent, to lesson this difficulty in the parent. What this means is that if the parent is manifesting their pain by gaining weight, then the child might SYMPATHETICALLY manifest these symptoms to assist the parent. Many sensitive souls do this. I believe they actually PLAN to have this experience in advance, BEFORE THEY ARE BORN! This is kind of a spiritual agreement or CONTRACT.
If you find that you are doing EVERYTHING you can to lose weight and you just cannot lose this weight then consider that you may be living the agenda of your parent or ancestor rather than your own. What if you signed up long ago (before birth) to ABSORB some of the suffering of your parent and “help” them from empathetically feeling their pain and letting this pain take hold in your body. Yet, ironically, you don’t actually feel the pain, you just take on the “covering up” of the pain habit through the weight armor of “protection.” So you think you have a weight problem, but really you just may have a sympathetic, parallel transfer of suffering that is leaking out from someone else and you have become their permanent emotional garbage can! If this is your experience, then you may have literally signed a “spiritual” contract. So therefore, you feel unable to BREAK this contract!
What if you get into your own deepest meditative state and you literally “see” this contract stating “I agree to take on the burden of suffering of my parent to help them because I love them so much.” What if you then see a huge rubber stamp with red ink being pressed on top of this agreement that says “CANCELLED! I AM NOW FREE!” Wow! Could it just be that easy? Why not try it.
I choose happiness.
Would you rather be “right” than happy? This is a subconscious tendency to justify years of failure by continuing to keep weight on. As humans, we have a tendency to WANT TO BE RIGHT (EVEN IF WE ARE WRONG!) For example, we will keep watching a bad movie, waiting for some redeeming value, even though deep down, we know that it will not be there. Or we stay in a bad relationship way longer than we should, hoping that things will change, but they rarely do. What people often don’t see is that they do this with their weight. Let’s say that for 30 years, you’ve tried the typical diets and done exercise and you’ve come to the “conclusion” that you are a victim. This means that you have no power. You have decided that you have a “hormone problem” or that you just have certain DNA that makes you fat and that there is NOTHING that can be done. In fact, you have been thinking this for SO LONG, that EVEN IF YOU ACTUALLY FOUND A SOLUTION, YOU WOULD BE BLIND TO IT – BECAUSE YOU DON’T WANT TO FEEL WRONG ABOUT ALL THE PAST THINKING ABOUT THE SUBJECT. Read that again, and again, and again. Think about it: You would rather continue to be unhappy rather than to realize that your past perceptions about the situation were wrong. You would RATHER BE “RIGHT” THAN HAPPY. This tendency stems from our ego not wanting to admit that we have made a mistake. Let me suggest something here: FORGET THE PAST! Yes, just forget it. Cut it off. FROM THIS POINT ON, if you know something will be good for you, then follow that new path, EVEN IF IT MAKES YOU APPEAR WRONG FOR THE PAST 30 YEARS, WHO CARES? The result is that you finally reach your goal. Please stop being attached to your past failed assumptions. They are blocking your success, because the subconscious is so powerful. Just let them go and allow yourself to reach your goals. Let yourself be wrong about your your past. Move forward and be happy.
I love my inner child.
Fall in love with your inner child. Often, when we were literally a child, long ago, we may have made certain observations and decisions about ourselves and others that were necessary for SURVIVAL. But now that we are more mature, these decisions no longer serve us. For example. Let’s say you were a 12-year-old girl and you were an “early bloomer.” You started attracting attention of men. It may have just been merely annoying, or it may have even led to some type of unfortunate interaction. However serious it maybe have become, you might have subconsciously told yourself “if I could just make myself less pretty, I would have less attention.” THINK ABOUT THAT. Think back to your early years and if you may have had these types of thoughts. Believe it or not our thoughts DO affect our reality. If you had in your mind to gain weight for SURVIVAL, it probably helped to deflect the added attention and you were able to survive those teen years. But now, many years later, are you still walking around with this feeling of needing “protection?” Or is it just an old habit that you are not even aware of any more? “Fall in love with your inner child” means to validate your old self. Why is this important? Because this part of you that you have been hating all these years feels invisible and not integrated within your whole being. What if you were to THANK this inner child for making the decision to gain weight – for whatever reason (not necessarily from the example above, but for any reason at all) – and let this little being within you feel APPRECIATED for having made this decision so very long ago, which helped you to survive. Sit quietly and literally have a conversation with your inner child or inner self. Do this multiple times if you feel the need. The ironic thing is that once this part of you feels “heard” it will no longer need to DOMINATE your personality. It will no longer need to demonstrate it’s need to be front and center, so to speak. It will feel loved and appreciated and can go back to being a minor part of your personality matrix while your current, more mature self can come forward.
– – – –
I love myself.
I love my body.
I feel safe and secure in my body.
I feel joy.
I am greatly loved and valued.
I enjoy putting myself first.
I am proud to be my own person.
I am perfectly enough as I am.
It is easy and natural for me to remain thin.
My DNA is programmed to be thin.
I have a super fast metabolism.
Whatever I crave my body needs and serves me perfectly.
People admire that I can eat whatever I want and remain thin.
The Universe supplies more than I need.
I welcome effective solutions from wherever the source.
I welcome my intuition and easily follow it.
I am now free to live my own life.
I choose happiness.
I love my inner child.
You are encouraged to create your own customized affirmations in addition to the above affirmations if you feel the need. Please follow these guidelines on generating affirmations for best results. If you are using the Thought Catapulter pouch, the blank card pack can be useful for this.
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